🎙️ EPISODE 358: 06.08.2021
This little-known film didn't see the light of day until about 50 years after it was made. A one-off project from character actor Timothy Carey, it likely deserves more attention than it's currently garnered since appearing on TCM cable TV latenight in the mid 00s. Featuring a Frank Zappa soundtrack, terrible sets and editing, it's a unique and unintentionally funny flick about an insurance salesman who one day, in the blink of an eye, decides to become a cultish politician named "God." God Hilliard uses the power of rock 'n' roll (he strums a guitar that he has no idea how to play) and a fake chin beard that he glues to his face to become an incredibly powerful and influential U.S. Presidential darkhorse candidate of his own Eternal Man's Party. He offers his followers no specific details other than that, if they join the movement, they will become "superhumans" who can defy death, live forever and become gods themselves. |
It's so half-baked and ridiculous that it makes for a hilarious and enjoyable film. Part of the reason why, of course, is how serious everyone is taking things. This is no farce. This was meant to be some extremely trenchant commentary on poltics, religion and society at large (though I'm grasping for which side of the isle the ultimate thematic stance actually resides on). Carey certainly has a presence, a large and kinda ghoulish quality that I'm sure plays well in the dozens of
kooky side roles and villains he portrayed throughout his career. But as the lead, it feels like he's bitten off more than he can chew and there is a hectic "this whole thing is unraveling" feel throughout the movie. He also seems drunk? It's a total disjointed mess for the most part and it works best when it doesn't linger on any one of its (terrible) ideas. It completely runs out of steam in the third act but the final ending salvages things with some extremely interesting in-camera FX and Zappa's score. Also, the end credits are a work of art.
Here's a smattering of some of my favorite clips...
the plan is hatched, sort of
tickle night with the wife brings me much despair
i'm not a preacher, i'm not drunk... i'm a politician"
at least our shitty rock revolution won't discriminate
making out with grandma
(sorry to share this but this is in the movie & i had to watch so...)
"if you don't want to grow one, just put one on"
this needs to be a famous gif
"well i did, and i'm happy"
maniacal laughter guy
guitar smash -> handshake
"don't worry, we'll win, god. by a landslide".
(zappa score)
cool ending
cool end credits
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