![]() 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 | 🎙️ EPISODE 160: 02.18.19 Dune stands alone. Released in 1984, it’s the only film among the ten wherein Lynch didn’t have complete final cut. It’s, by any classic metric, a bad film. At the end of the documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune, which details one of the first attempts at bringing the best selling science fiction book of all-time to the big screen, Alejandro Jodorowsky describes going to see Lynch’s version and being filled with a perverse glee that the movie was a failure, that it sucked. And while it might have "failed," it certainly doesn't suck. The film is a god-awful mess. Do not under any circumstances attempt to watch the 3-hour “extended cut” version. Lynch had nothing to do with this and it does not re-insert anything by way of noteworthy lost footage. It merely accentuates the worst elements of the original theatrical cut. The biggest crime by far being… the dreaded voice-over, which plagues both versions. |
But even with all of its many, many flaws, the film is not without its charm. The look of it is extremely interesting, if not inconsistent. Some imagery looks dated, while other effects seem ahead of their time. The soundtrack, an amalgamation of Toto’s overblown rock aesthetics and a nuanced main theme co-written by Brian Eno, is kind of awesome
But really Dune is just a wonderful and huge mess of ideas. For example, in one scene the actor Freddie Jones is given a cat with a rat taped to its side, hooked to a contraption, and is told to “milk the cat” if he wants to stay alive. His character is never seen or mentioned again. These are the ideas of Frank Herbert told through the lens of David Lynch and filtered by producers who were so damn concerned whether or not the plot would make sense that they butchered the whole damn thing. What’s left are pieces, intriguing pieces strewn about the 2-plus hours.
It would be easy to submit this film as the last place entry, #10 out of 10. But I just can’t do that. I would re-watch this under the right circumstances. The strange convergence of wild visuals, bad editing and too-fast, too-big, too-soon nature of the production, puts this in a special category among the Lynch filmography. It almost hits “so bad it’s good” notes, in a way. When Denis Villeneuve unleashes his high stakes, huge expectations version of Dune in 2021, David Lynch’s third film will likely become nothing more than a footnote… a grain of sand among the great DUNES of film history, one might say. (Sorry. Don't say that. Nobody's gonna say that. SAND WORMS! LOOKOUT!!)
Listen to my 90-minute feature podcast: RANKING DAVID LYNCH.
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