September 20, 2019

🎙️ EPISODE 218: 12.25.19
If a fern is a majestic houseplant because its ridged leaves look like a set of animal teeth from the dinosaur times, then this movie is some other type of houseplant with flat, smooth normal leaves. (That sentence is my impression of this movie if it were the first sentence of a movie review about itself.)
A full-length movie about a bad idea which is presented ironically in short internet web blasts that – most would agree – are quite good, is not necessarily going to also be good as a feature film. I don't know, man. I don't think this movie does either. The outtakes during the end credits provided the only legitimate humor in the whole thing. Minus Zack's breaks, it's the only thing that feels anything like the original: truly hilarious, easily digestible, webisode-length content. Nothing about the non-interview "plot" or the performances therein made any sense and, much worse, provided any laffz. And, out of context (that's being too nice – "smashed into the movie at random times" is more accurate), the classic “Ferns” interview segments lost their luster as well. A truly toothless affair. |
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