🎙️ EPISODE 247: 02.28.20
Without realizing it, I was in the sweet spot in terms of my preexisting Rudy Ray Moore knowledge and baseline appreciation for his art. I knew just enough to maximize my enjoyment of this biopic: A) I knew that I liked him, and B) his story arc was still enough of a mystery to keep the plot engaging. Dolemite is My Name, the true story of comedian Rudy Ray Moore and his charming if not misguided adventures in moviemaking, is as boilerplate as these films go, structurally-speaking; its tone has an almost Disney vibe, you know, if not for the plethora of F-bombs and raunchiness. With a screenwriting duo who know what they're doing (Ed Wood, Man on the Moon, Problem Child 1 AND 2!) and a capable director in Craig Brewer, this movie is a delight, a touching underdog story that is also legitimately funny. The cast beams on screen, showing a true appreciation for the people they're honoring and the project as a whole; I can't recall a cast that looked like they were having this much fun making a film. Of course, the glue is Eddie Murphy, really going all out for the first time in what feels like forever. If you've been on the fence, swiping past this 100 times on Netflix, stop! Give it a shot. You might be as pleasantly surprised as I was. |
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