🎙️ EPISODE 438: 04.05.22
Holy shit, can we just give it up for that MIDI version of Dave Matthews's "Ants Marching" that I found online and used as the bed music for this episode? I literally listened to that straight through two times before finishing the edit. What a banger. Big shout to whoever edited the Wikipedia for this BOOK (that's right, I'm reviewing books now on this movie site lol), because this note right at the top — "Kaufman said in 2016 that the novel was being written so as to be unfilmable, and is itself about 'an impossible movie.'" — both sums up this thing in a nutshell, and seems to capture the general theme. It's a big, messy book and I enjoyed reading it a lot. (I don't know what you want me to say? This is a flippin' movie review site; go to a 'book review site' if you want proper book reviews, I suppose.)
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