January 28, 2015

🎙️ EPISODE 481: 06.03.22
I'm not sure the origin of this, something to do with Vice TV, a series called Profiles. In it, we follow a young man shooting stuff and walking through the woods and riding a boat and swimming in a river in Alabama. This guy ("Cambo") narrates the movie as well. He drops knowledge like "I never keep track of time; if you keep track of time, time keeps track of you." He catches a giant catfish at night. He says he went two years without eating a vegetable. All of it an escape from an awful and mean home life. He finally leaves the woods when he impregnates a girl. Then she left him and took the kid. A tale as old as time. So he returned to the woods. And he has enough ammunition for WWIII, which he's certain will come one day. He lives in a cave now. The film ends with a note: Cambo was shot in the arm two days later after a fight at his 21st birthday. |
Alone in the Woods: The Legend of Cambo is a short film by Harmone Korine, as part of the VICE series, Profiles. It was released on January 29, 2015.
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