🎙️ EPISODE 661: 03.09.23 Part of 2022 Week!
It's not that the final thirty minutes are very bad (they definitely are), it's that the entirety of this movie was leading us there all along and you could feel it. I somehow knew that the 'answer' to this 'mystery' was not only going to be stupid but also executed poorly. And so that makes this a fairly unique film, because there's genuinely a lot to like here if you can fully detach it from the bad stuff, especially early on. I'll forever wonder how this would have played if the 'catch' wasn't so paint-by-numbers spelt out for us. This movie should have feasted on ambiguity, instead they use it as a cheap red herring. The screenplay is like a spoiled brat little kid who can't wait to ruin the surprise. Despite all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans — which, WHO FUCKING CARES — Olivia Wilde definitely shows a good deal of promise here. Making a reported $35 million dollar budget (already rare/substantial for this type of movie!) look scores larger than that.
The performances range from very good (Florence Pugh in the lead) to totally fine (almost everyone else) to yeah I dunno, man (...Harry). The messaging is what it is. Certainly not perfect but leveled worthless by the asinine plot twist in the final act. All of this said, it almost feels a tad underrated imo. It's more failure than success but it's consistently interesting and fun to look at it. I think a lot of the critical negativity surrounding this is related to the pre and post-production nonsense, and that sucks irregardless of its actual quality. | | |
If you're gonna show us that real world, you have to go further with it. Not the phoned-in sequences we got. Forget the fact that Harry Styles is the least convincing misogynist gamer I've ever seen, the fact that he could essentially enslave his successful O.R. nurse wife/gf inside their city apartment without any issues for a prolonged period of time is the biggest fantasy of all. Either paint the current day dystopia to allow for this aberration, or withhold enough (by playing with ambiguity instead of obliterating it) so it's not an issue.
Don't Worry Darling is a 2022 American psychological thriller film directed by Olivia Wilde from a screenplay by Katie Silberman, based on a spec script by Carey Van Dyke, Shane Van Dyke, and Silberman. The film stars Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Wilde, Gemma Chan, KiKi Layne, Nick Kroll, and Chris Pine. The film follows an idyllic housewife living in a company town who begins to suspect a sinister secret being kept from its residents by the man who runs it. It was released on September 5, 2022.
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