
The Black Hole


🎙️ EPISODE 698: 04.17.23

I did a live commentary review for the podcast of this short film because it's only two minutes long. And I honestly think that's the way to go with any future shorts clocking in under ten minutes. A two-bird/one-stone situation, although please don't ask me to describe what the birds and stone are in this particular metaphor. I also had a lot of fun reading the YouTube comments. Everybody just loves the YouTube comments section, one of the most truly fascinating and utterly disturbing places on all of the www. Even though I decided to watch this like a week ago, I don't really know how it came across my radar (maybe just googled "notable short films" or something); it's directors, billed as Phil & Olly (not be confused with Sifl & Olly), have suspiciously lacking IMDB pages for the creators of such a "notable" work of art. That being said, 10 out of 10, no notes, and what have you.


A sleep-deprived office worker photocopies a "Black Hole" late one night. Suddenly, the possibilities seem endless. Will greed get the better of him? It was released on September 21, 2008.


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