MOVIE #1,991 • SCORE 9/10 • 09.26.24
Watching this and football at the same time says everything about me that I wish the world would know…

This is so artsy-fartsy that it's hard to take seriously, but it's so over-the-top in its simplistic weirdness there's something beautiful and wonderful about it. The dances seem to beg you to overthink them when it's all right there in plain sight. And the commitment to the bit by the performers is next level. I'm not sure what was going on with the apple bit however…
As a film, this is excellent: Akerman splices just enough interviews with behind the scenes stuff to give context and otherwise let's the performances do the talking. Or you know, lack thereof. That the titular Pina is hardly seen says volumes about the intent, not just of her productions but of this document itself. It feels fresh and different, as well, like Akerman leaned into a new mode of working and simply followed the muse.
It's not totally perfect. The decision to show both the Gershwin sign language piece rehearsal and then the onstage performance in full is better on paper. She's trying to hammer home the concept of repetition inherent in the art but that's already (sometimes painfully) clear.
In the closing moments she is asked, “how do you see your future?” To which she responds: “I don't know because I'm afraid to ask myself what I wish for myself OR the future. I wish for a lot of strength and love.” A simple plea from an artist who isn’t nearly as complex as she appears at first glance.
⫷ MOVIE #1,990 - (YOU ARE HERE) - MOVIE #1,992 ⫸
⫷ MOVIE #1,990 - (YOU ARE HERE) - MOVIE #1,992 ⫸
Chantal Akerman followed famous Choreographer Pina Bausch and her company of dancers, The Tanzteater Wuppertal, for five weeks while they were on tour in Germany, Italy and France. Her objective was to capture Pina Bausch's unparalleled art not only on stage but also behind the scenes. It was released on December 4, 1983.
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