I love Lars von Trier . And just stating that feels like I'm offending someone I've never met. His films are difficult and self-ind...


I love Lars von Trier. And just stating that feels like I'm offending someone I've never met. His films are difficult and self-indulgent (in the best possible ways). They are as artsy-fartsy as they are 'problematic'. To be a fan of LVT is essentially to admit that your brain does not function in a fully normal way. As the man himself as struggled mightly with mental illness (and now brain illness in the form of Parkinson's), perhaps this is self-evident.

In 2023, I devoured every available film he's ever made: his short film work (which I made under 60-second YouTube shorts reviews), his two debut short features/student films (The Orchid Gardener and Images of Liberation), his lone documentary feature The Five Obstructions, and all fifteen of his full-length films.

Ranking these was very difficult — the top six all garnered a 10/10 — but I did my best. Enjoy...

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