It's time yet again to start a new series Director Focus! After reviewing The Happening many moons ago, I had not seen a new M. Night ...


It's time yet again to start a new series Director Focus! After reviewing The Happening many moons ago, I had not seen a new M. Night flick before catching Trap in the theaters earlier this year (I did watch and review his Apple TV show Servant, however). I enjoyed Trap and wanted to check in with the ole Twist Ending Master™ as several of his other recent entries piqued my interest, though I never got around to seeing them. I also wanted to revisit the early movies as well. So that's what I'll be doing every other week for the next several months. Check back at the end for official rankings...

• 1992 Praying with Anger
• 1998 Wide Awake
• 1999 The Sixth Sense
• 2000 Unbreakable
• 2002 Signs
• 2004 The Village
• 2006 Lady in the Water
• 2008 The Happening
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