🎙️ EPISODE 193: 08.11.19
This is the one where Andy goes to college. (For other parents out there keeping track who aren't weird “adult Disney obsessives,” aren't part of "the cult," here's the four Toy Stories: "the first one with the psychopath neighbor," “he one with Newman from Seinfeld,” "the one where Andy goes to college, and the mean purple bear and the scary baby at daycare" and "antique roadshow.") I've often thought about how Pixar doesn't subtitle their sequels. It's because these movies are events. We're supposed to just know this is "the one where Andy goes to college and the other stuff happens." Duh. In 2013, the experimental musician James Ferraro released the album Human Story 3, a vague and ominous nod to this beloved movie which featured the Amazon logo on the cover art in some iterations. The sea of content is large and often uneasy, difficult to navigate. The sea of children's content is like that sea only if that sea had millions of colossal serpents and was constantly being barraged by 100s of mega-hurricanes. This is to say, yeah Pixar brings the goods. I can be as cynical as the day is long but I'll take this over whatever seventh-rate garbage is seemingly always at the forefront on the Netflix Kids tab. Sure. |
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