🎙️ EPISODE 390: 12.09.21
In true MovieJeff.com fashion, there was a big delay between my vieweing this and working on the review(s) in any fashion (as I noted on the podcast). I got sick immediately after watching Pass Thru y'all. Did seeing four Neil Breen feature films over the span of four weeks make me sick? I would never fucking say that. How dare you even think it! Onto the review...
This is another vehicle for Breen to push his odd (and also seemingly AT ODDS with itself) political agenda, and he does so perhaps more blatantly than ever before. However, there is stock footage of a tiger that he green-screens in and interacts with throughout, so we have that going for us. |
At one point during the recording of the podcast, I checked my notes and one of the read, "This one PROBABLY had the closest thing resembling an actual plot/story," which seriously left me flabbergasted. To say any Breen movie has "[any]thing resembling an actual plot/story" runs counterintuitive to the whole enterprise. That enterprise being a similar state of exasperation, a kind of combination of maddening delight at the impossible stupidity of the venture and a vague "why did I just waste time watching that" stomach ache. One more to go, folks.
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