
Fateful Findings


🎙️ EPISODE 387: 11.16.21

I think there's probably a reason Fateful Findings is the only Breen movie that has its own Wikipedia page. I still have two more feature films to get to (get through?) but I have a strong sensation I've just watched his magnum opus. For what it's worth, I have been pouring so much into the podcast reviews for this series, I don't have a ton of juice left for these written reviews. Basically this one focuses much more on interpersonal drama and it's easily the worst (meaning: best) thing Breen has tackled yet. It's amazing. So what I've done today for this post is clipped a few segments that I felt had funny visual elements that wouldn't translate for the pod. I also did an Amy & Jim #Supercut and if you have to ask what that is, then you aren't a True BreenHead. Sorry. But also, ENJOY! (But, mostly sorry!!)
In this scene a bleeding Breen shares an awkward shower embrace with his wife...

Here we see Breen having some problems with his coffee and his many computers...

This next clip includes a political hacking rant I included in the podcast, but it also includes my absolute favorite Breen moment to date: THE SALAD SPILL...

And last but certainly not least, here is every scene from Fateful Findings featuring America's favorite dysfunctional couple, Amy & Jim (and also their stepdaughter)...

So this video got age-restricted and I can't embed it right now. In the process of appealing it with YouTube but go here to view it. ALSO! Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear this week's special BreenSong™ at the end of the episode, exclusively on the podcast feed here.

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