🎙️ EPISODE 295: 09.23.2020
Lizzie is more or less a nothing of a movie. A biopic based on a gruesome 1892 double axe murder in New England in which the main suspect was acquitted because she was a rich white lady. It feels exactly between a 4 (cannot recommend) and a 5 (barely recommend) but I will grant it a 5 because–and not to sound like a perv or nothing–but [SPOILERS? I guess] the axe-murderin' scene was totally out-of-left-field (both the lead ladies get naked for it so they don't get blood on their old timey clothes teehee) and I don't feel like I have a single other thing to say about Lizzie which is surely a movie I will completely have forgotten about in 7-17 months, but yeah OK sure one more thing: I feel like these two actresses (Chloë Sevigny and Kristen Stewart) get unnecessarily shit on because (maybe) they come across as too low-key or something, but I generally enjoy their work and hence the reason I decided to check this out in the first place. There's just only so much you can do with a biopic–people (I) have been saying this! |
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