This film is free to stream with a library card (via Hoopla or Kanopy) but that's not why I am sharing the above screen grab from Just Watch. Check out what it says by genre up there. The addition of "science fiction" is, by all accounts, an accident. But I saw that before watching this. So I spent the entirety of the film waiting for the twist wherein the unknown semen in their friend's ass was not in fact from a horse, but rather... you know, something with aliens, and probes, you know the thing... (I didn't mention this in the audio review but I feel like I have to confess such here. I mean, I'm slightly angry about this. It's a completely muted rage, the most low-stakes anger imaginable, but still... how did someone or some algorithm screw it up this badly? There isn't anything remotely sci-fi about this film!)
Made by one half of The Daniels (of Swiss Army Man fame, the movie where Paul Dano rides the farting corpse of Daniel Radcliffe across an ocean, or something like that–regretfully haven't seen it!), Daniel Scheinert, who also plays the titular Dick Long, is clearly a talent despite his obsession with Homo sapiens' lower cavities. I have some longshot theories about potential themes here dealing with red state America and other nonsense, which I do get into on the audio review. So check that out. Second time I've mentioned that, huh? You're legally obligated to do so listen to the show and not just read the website, you know? Hope you know that.
Where was I? Ultimately, this film is a lil bestiality away from being a highly conventional and extremely successful-type offering. The question it asks of the viewer is, perhaps: is that good or bad? Does the inclusion of this information, in spite of its visceral absence and–all kidding aside–tastefulness, really warrant a ~15% negative hit on Rotten Tomatoes? (My estimate, FYI) or, conversely, what does including it really mean? I don't have the answer to any of this. These aren't just rhetorical questions. So, by all means, chime in!
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