🎙️ EPISODE 259: 04.14.20
I've been taking notes when I watch films at home recently and my final entry for the last of trilogy stories in this anthology was: "No idea on this one. Ha ha. Why did I take notes?" And that sums it up nicely, I feel. This is as comically bad as you've probably heard. I was planning on watching it eventually but made it a priority when I saw Red Letter Media had given it a 60-minute video. To echo some of their thoughts: I agree, it's mostly worth a watch for the lolz. But it's not on par with the great bad movies. Too many boring stretches that can't be saved by the copious naked ladies, which-–if you thought Danzig had a weird, unhealthy relationship with women before... Well, I have bad news for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
I found the first entry to be the best of the bunch, mostly for those eyeballs but also for all the bad French accents. You could make a case for #2 with all its truly bad dialogue and acting, its nonsensical plot and so on, but those overlong stripper sequences took me out of it. And what can you say about that final story? The less the better perhaps. (The first two are probably solid 8s or low 9s, and the finale's a low 5 at best, so let's split the difference on the overall score.)
In closing, Danzig is a legend and one of the most underrated and influential musicians of all-time. The Misfits, to me, are the best punk band ever, sonically speaking at least. This wonderful failure of a passion project (and a human person??) is just that. A dozen more crap films isn't going to change my opinion of him as an artist, and honestly I'd watch every single one.
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