🎙️ EPISODE 198: 10.21.19
While I was watching Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese I couldn't help but think: Hey, this live footage is outstanding; it sounds incredible and I'm not even a huge Dylan fan! But darn-it if all this backstory isn't boring as crap.
. . . two months pass . . . |
When I sat down to write this short, relatively negative review in advance of recording a podcast about how this should have just been released as a concert movie, and the documentary aspects didn't work at all, I stumbled upon the information that nearly all the documentary elements were pure fiction. The director who shot the original footage? Just an actor playing a character named Stefan Van Dorp, a European filmmaker who claims to have directed the original footage (in reality, Dylan and a crew shot the footage for Dylan's own project, the 1978 feature
Renaldo and Clara). Sharon Stone? Digitally inserted into photos; never met Dylan on tour as a 17 or 19 year old or however old she was supposed to be in a past that never happened. There's no word on whether Dylan being inspired by the band KISS to paint his face white is a real factoid or not, and what does it matter? An entire fiction concocted by two elderly men that couldn't even be a fraction as interesting as what actually transpired in reality... now that is truly an artistic statement! +1 for effort, and by effort I mean: genuinely fooling me. Now and then, there's a fool such as I, bored and ready, willing and able to click the next thing I see featured on Netlifx that even remotely intrigues me.
So, is knowing better than not knowing? (This question might be applicable to anything btw.)
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