🎙️ EPISODE 352: 05.12.2021
An ambitious horror film that ultimately fails to deliver on the whole, The Empty Man is still, nevertheless, an enjoyable ride. Both a pandemic and studio brass casualty, the final edit is in serious need of some fine tuning. For example, when the chief cop – a minor character – starts pontificating about SOCIETY... it feels so out of place. There's enough to wrap your head around here on without getting into those weeds. It's odd to think that a plot so deep it could spawn an entire TV series needs LESS but that's how it felt. But that's how it felt to me, like the extended pilot of a show (and that's no knock). Other characters – like the great Stephen Root's cult leader – were criminally underdeveloped. The whole thing just felt like the tip of the iceberg, an entry to a world I would definitely check out again. First time feature director David Prior (also screenwriter) shows true potential here and it's no surprise this has gained something of a cult following. |
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