September 07, 1998

🎙️ EPISODE 476: 05.27.22
Constantly breaking new ground: uh, yeah, that's what we do here at The Review Show, and here on Episode 476... another first. This is our second book review, but it is the first to be done so via Google Pixel screen-recording as the host (ummm, me) looks at the bookmarked pages in the very ebook he is reviewing. So I'm gonna stop blathering on here in this space and simply throw it to myself. SELF? Take it away... (this is where you press play on the video below, OK? Just do it. Don't make me look bad)... |
A Crack Up at the Race Riots is a novel written by Harmony Korine, writer of such cult films as Kids and Gummo. The book was published in 1998 by Doubleday. A new edition was later published by Drag City. It was released on September 8, 1998.
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