🎙️ EPISODE 539: 08.24.22
On a special episode of the podcast today, which I recorded while driving on my Pixel 4A, I take a detour into Kohl's down here in South Jersey to pickup a pair of jeggings that a cashier forgot to put in my bag the day before. The jeggings weren't for me. Age Out gets a quasi title drop in the first fifteen minutes of the movie. That's never a great sign. This whole thing is very A24 core, and while it basically nails the aesthetic, something about it felt too derivative. There were too many cliches in the writing but the acting is overall good and it really shines in moments (like when they robbed the motel). The former point brings up a whole other question about the A24 aesthetic and its place in indie cinema I guess. I don't have the energy to expound upon it now. Sorry.
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