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The Greenaway Alphabet


🎙️ EPISODE 581: 10.21.22

If you're a Greenaway Head like myself then this one is near-essential viewing. Helmed by his wife and prominently featuring his teenage daughter, this is a very sweet portrait which bites off just enough of Greenaway's own style for the perfect blend of the artistic and the informative. It's not necessarily a good primer so I would avoid it if you're not already familiar with his work. I appreciated the nice ending shot, featuring this ultimate weirdo walking into the ocean butt naked except for a silly hat holding his daughter's hand. Like his art, his intentions almost always seem skewed if not fully suspicious; the "normal" response is to turn away, but if you give in, you'll be rewarded.


An intimate portrait of painter and filmmaker Peter Greenaway, directed by his wife Saskia Boddeke. Together with his daughter Pip, Greenaway formulates an alphabet that represents his personality and thoughts about art and life. It was released on November 21, 2017.


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