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666 (Beware the End Is at Hand), Parts 1 & 2


🎙️ EPISODE 666: 03.16.23

We've come to the end of our journey and while I'd love to say that we ended on a high note, this budget-ass, shot-on-video piece of Christianity propaganda from 2007 Nigeria is anything but. Who would have ever guessed except every person on earth? Look, I'm tired (and a squirrel now!) so I'll be brief here. There's some laughable stuff in this (like a little Satan spawn kid who gets these crazy eyes and shoots lightning bolts at people) that's fun on the surface. But the message here, with all its in-your-face homophobia and other nonsense, makes this a reprehensible slog. I guess it's fitting I saved the WORST for last. A fitting and extremely evil ending to this very stupid and equally evil six-feature ep. Things actually started off well enough (a bunch of demons in “hell” with fake horns, bad green screen flames, 666 written on their foreheads, maniacally laughing) but it quickly descends into said religious garbage.
On the one hand, I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone (this is, I believe, the first African cinema I’ve reviewed, and that’s a huge oversight, 864 films into this project). But on the other, this was a severe waste of time. Whatever “so bad it’s good” elements this has are completely negated by the long and repetitive scenes of religious preaching (a few of them being what appear to be literal sermons shot on location) and the aforementioned, incredibly ugly beliefs of a clearly deranged man.


Lucifer sends his minions out into the world to lead Nigeria into sin. An innocent woman is impregnated with the Antichrist, who goes around terrorizing the citizens. A pastor named Lazarus is the only one who can stop him. It was released on December 25, 2007.


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