One of the best to ever do it, folks,,
Maya Deren (born Eleonora Derenkovskaya, Ukrainian: Елеоно́ра Деренко́вська; May 12, 1917 – October 13, 1961) was a Ukrainian-born (then part of the Russian Empire, now independent Ukraine) American experimental filmmaker and important part of the avant-garde in the 1940s and 1950s. Deren was also a choreographer, dancer, film theorist, poet, lecturer, writer, and photographer.
#11 Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti (1982) *
#10 Medusa (1949) *
#09 Ensemble for Somnambulists (1951) *
#08 Witch's Cradle (1944) *
#07 Meditation on Violence (1948)
#06 The Very Eye of Night (1955)
#05 The Private Life of a Cat (1947)
#04 A Study in Choreography for Camera (1945)
#03 Ritual in Transfigured Time
#02 At Land (1944)
#01 Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)