🎙️ EPISODE 206: 11.21.19
Watching this was meant to scratch an itch. You get on a kick, could be a TV show, a particular director's filmography, a musician’s discog. This movie ain't that good. Hell, it's barely a movie. It's slightly under an hour and just sitting on YouTube, out in the open like unsuspecting prey. What does it matter? Kill it, check it off the list if you like. For diehards only etc etc etc. I'm not much for cults of personality until I'm the one chanting, leading the entire pack off the cliff. How'd I get here? I wonder, beating a drum I didn't think anybody else could hear. |
David Berman is dead now. As I write these very words I'm supposed to be seeing him live in person for the first time. A tour, a show, an album, all a decade in the making. The promise of it gone in half a summer, but really never there. Not gone or never there, but changed. It’s impossible to see or hear it otherwise now. Israel changed David. For a little while. That's what this movie is about, I guess. Yes, one of my favorite singers could not sing, but I knew all the words by heart. We seek things out, even when they're gone and not coming back.
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