December 14, 2018
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» Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

🎙️ EPISODE 205: 11.20.19
Sometimes movies live up to the hype. And sometimes kids movies are still kids movies. Both of these things can be true at once and Into the Spider-Verse certainly proves it. I spend a lot of time thinking about (and blathering on about) how films that fall into the "kids movie" genre need to be judged on a different scale. They're not for me (us). They're for my (our) kids. If the kid says "turn it off" then it has failed, regardless if I'm enjoying it in any which way, or tolerating it, or hating it, or none of the above. It has failed completely. My almost-5-year-old loved this. And so did I. It's clever and original in ways, all of the ways, these movies just never usually are anymore. The humor is there and never overstays its welcome and the sincerity is onpoint and effective. It strikes a perfect balance. |
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