🎙️ EPISODE 215: 12.22.19
What a delightfully weird, ‘off the beaten path’ motion picture. This movie somehow manages to feel like something old and something I've never seen before at the same time. That's not to say it isn't flawed. I found it to be deeply so. But even in its myriad flaws and/or bizarre choices (Jude Law's NY accent; Natalie Portman adopting Jude Law's accent in the flash forward; Jude Law seemingly de-aging in the flash forward; a quick documentary on Sweden's historical stance on pop/rock music; calling your two acts Genesis and Regenesis; the overwrought prose of Willem Dafoe's narration; and so on) there is an undeniable charm. |
This is a film that has bitten off way more than it can chew (pop culture! mass shootings and terrorism! religion! female empowerment! family dynamics!). The fun is in seeing whether or not it chokes itself to death. That it essentially comes out clean, offering a final act that is literally just a concert film and not attempting to tie it all together beyond a vague Dafoe postscript about how it was the devil all along (?), well, that was actually good. This film's complete reluctance to tie loose ends together made its broader themes feel more purposeful. Eff meaning. Maybe THAT'S the point.
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