🎙️ EPISODE 12: 04.12.2015
If the goal of this, this, this The Movie Review Show, is to prove to the world that, yes, one man can 'make content' for her eyes only (her eyes = my ears) than I believe I have proved that theorem fifty no seven hundred (?) times over (at least!!). What talent I have or have had has been squandered my two decades going strong of over-indulgence, apathy and a general lack of self-confidence. But even that's an act, to some degree. Which brings us to The Double, a movie which–in many ways–exists as a counterpoint if not the doppelganger of my life and alotta lives. (#AlottaLivesMatter?) I've lost the plot of my own review HOW DARE ME. Don't you read books, sir? Sir? The Double is You. |
We don't get to choose the paths of our own lives. Dissecting the allusion that we do, the game therein, can kinda be the fun of life or the hell of it, or some sick, confusing combination of both. When I watched this movie one time over seven years ago, I sorta recall where/when, what the room looked and smelt like, etc. I almost remember that stuff more than the movie, which is kind of a delightful wash of warm emotions and tone, more than it is a set of concrete memories about 'what happened in this film' (as if THAT was the point to begin with! LoL).
yoade has gone on to write and publish three books of his own since this movie came out, potentially transitioning to that medium indefinitely, who knows? but if that is the case, and–speaking of case(s), I'd like to get those books in my bookCASE (*rimshot*)–then gob bless the man and his excellent hair. You do you, is what I say. Because I'm not you. I'm the only human being in the world allergic to the algorithm and I can trim the hedges around my path because I like it to look neat. I've lost the hedge clippers and need to use my teeth now.
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