🎙️ EPISODE 240: 02.06.20
I tried to conjure up an absurd math equation which addressed the moving pieces that constitute
Diamantino's 'plot' and gave up after: "Comically evil twin sisters + Childlike megastar athlete ÷ (lesbian government spy couple - undercover refugee) = ___ " The beauty of this is in not knowing what will happen next. Many movies strive (and often fail) for true unpredictability, but here is the rare reality of that achievement realized. It's cheap, in a way, just attempting that. I don't believe this film comes together in the end, but it has a lot of fun trying.
The central visual idea, which is plastered on the movie poster and might just be the only thing you know about this, is that Diamantino (definitely not Ronaldo) is an internationally famous Portuguese soccer star who loves putting Nutella on things and who, when 'in the zone' playing futbol, transports to a magical land of pink clouds and giant fluffy dogs. It's a visual metaphor for something that the viewer will either get immediately or scoff at forever. Thankfully, I found myself among the former. |
The visual FX themselves are charming. Not just the green-screened pups bouncing (and eventually launching off into space) but the weird poorman's Minority Report tech setups and computer OS designs. Their looking and feeling fake added to the flow of this in such a nice, low-key way.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the overtly political elements of the story bogged things down, but at times their prevalence made some of the general wackiness feel like shtick instead of inspired genesis, and even more of a bizarre pairing when the film transforms into a full-on love story.
While it's far from perfect, I would definitely recommend this as something you need to see to believe, and – naturally – the less said the better.
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