🎙️ EPISODE 268: 06.08.20
This, the second feature by Aussie horror scribe Leigh Whannell, who penned the first three Saw movies and went on to co-create the Insidious-verse (Insidious: Chapter 3 being his directorial debut), is – according to Wikipedia – "a 2018 cyberpunk action body horror," although to me it plays as a straight-up sci-fi flick with dark comedy undertones. Its occasional corny dialogue feels intentional, and it uses every penny of its tiny 3-million dollar budget to incredible effect, creating a world that feels as scary as it does possible. Nobody in the "no-name" cast trips all over themselves that badly, and lead Logan Marshall-Green is actually pretty great. You might be able to see where the plot is going but the final twist subverts those instincts and expectations enough. Whannell would go onto write and direct The Invisible Man reboot released earlier this year which got dumped on VOD as the pandemic rolled in. I've yet to see that, but my expectations are high after really enjoying this one. |
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