🎙️ EPISODE 331: 02.24.2021
I have to admit it, I think I have Munchausen syndrome. I am addicted to going to the damn doc! The documentary films, that is... Again, I found myself abandoning my "watchlist" to check out a recent documentary on a bit of a whim. The focus here is internet sensation and white Swedish teen rapper, Yung Lean AKA Jonatan Leandoer Håstad, an enigmatic and mysterious presence. This is a solid feature, though a tad long. It tells the saga of the rise and fall, and subsequent second rise and fall, of the bi-polar Scandinavian artist. I wish they'd flushed out the origin story a bit more, as there seems to be more meat on that bone. Lean is truly a fascinating figure and there was any number of ways you could have presented this (I think you can easily put together a solid ~30 minutes alone on the fandom and his appeal, for example). When I first came across him I thought the whole thing was a joke and I didn't know at whose expense. Seeing large theaters packed to the gills, absolutely losing their minds, well, it turns out it might've been my own. |
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