
The Ghost of Yotsuya


🎙️ EPISODE 567: 10.03.22

I was really struggling to get into this one and — it feels a tad bit racist to say so — but I couldn't follow the plot here in the opening act. I think, also, you have to be in the right frame of mind for this, and it's just rarely a place I find myself at this juncture in life. And the quality of the file (shitty) + my insistence on watching these things on my little Kindle fire tablet (like an idiot) are also to blame for my inability to keep things straight. It isn't because all the characters look alike. Dont say that. I didn't say that. However, I did stick with it and when the actual ghost story action started up, I was able to settle in and enjoy it enough. Some nice makeup and sets and simple effects...


The Ghost of Yotsuya (東海道四谷怪談, Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan) is a 1959 Japanese horror film directed by Nobuo Nakagawa. The film is based on the kabuki play Yotsuya Kaidan. The was among the many horror films that Nakagawa adapted for Shintoho in the late 1950s and was one of the many adaptations of the play. It was released on July 11, 1959.


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