🎙️ EPISODE 613: 12.06.22
Here we see what are clearly the beginnings of what would become Alexander Payne's definitive style, especially as it pertains to the black comedy in his early work. But as this case with a lot of great filmmakers' student productions, it's pretty flawed. Most of the issues have to do with tone. The Passion of Martin will try your patience as it tries to get deep and thoughtful in the more stock dramatic moments before abruptly transferring right into some absurdist comedy bit. Despite some spurts of dialogue which read like proto-Seinfeld "What's the deal with women??" jokes, this ends up being incredibly dark. The tonal problems only get worse the further down into the fucked-up rabbit hole our protagonist goes, but I have to give it some credit for going all the way insane on some level as the ending is so bleak and screwed, you can't help but laugh.
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