![]() ![]() | I REVIEW BOOKS ON THE LAST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH I’ve read almost all of Kenneth Goldsmith’s books (those that are ‘meant to be read' anyway — he also has conceptual offerings like the massive Capital, which are more like high-minded coffee table screeds one might own to appear smart). While I’m still a fan, I think there have been diminishing returns since his best (or at least my favorite), 2011’s Uncreative Writing. In Duchamp Is My Lawyer, he tells the story of UbuWeb, which is one of the Internet’s all-time great treasures. But there really isn’t a full-length book in that story so he pads the pages with recommendations and mini-bios of some avant garde artists you likely haven’t heard of. A lot of this stuff is really good and I discovered many names that I bookmarked to do a deep-dive on later, but it was at times a bit tedious. |
Earlier this year, Goldsmith actually stopped updating UbuWeb. This was unceremonious and mysterious with no formal annoucement that I can find. But the site remains online (for now) and you should check it out.
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In Duchamp Is My Lawyer, Goldsmith tells the history of UbuWeb, explaining the motivations behind its creation and how artistic works are archived, consumed, and distributed online. It was released on July 1, 2020.
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