🎙️ EPISODE 308: 02.06.2021
The thing about most cults is that, when you strip away the immediate dopamine hit of their insane ideas and all that they seem to embody, symbolize and offer, they're usually pretty dumb, if not entirely vacant. This is not to say that said dopamine hit isn't real; of course it is! This is why and how cults can work, and the same goes for cult movies as well. Depending on the strength of the dopamine hit (and this varies greatly individual to individual), one can ignore the vacuous blob just beneath the surface. This is all my very longwinded way of saying that, in the case of 1980's superhero flick Flash Gordon, I could not ignore the vacuous blob and was in fact bored near close to submission by it despite the admittedly brilliant visual style in all its dated glory. |
If the plot and acting were even a fraction more engaging, then I would happily accept this as a cult classic. But, sadly, there is a nary a pulse in both departments. I couldn't trick myself into appreciating the horrendous dialogue or pretend their was anything interesting about the cardboard box emotional range of our leads (Sam J. Jones and Melody Anderson, or: who? and that's not shocking–no offense).
That being said, I am still offering my softest recommendation. The practical effects, early post-production tricks, miniatures, matte paintings and so much more are a true delight. They're worth your putting this on, even in the background or in passing to marvel at.
One last thing I'll mention is how I didn't know the origin story for this guy AT ALL. And boy is it a weird one! (Or maybe it just seems that way because it's translation on film here is so clunky.) Anyway, here is what an actual costume in this movie looks like...
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