![]() 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 | 🎙️ EPISODE 20: 04.20.2015 A few interesting things to note about this one and by "interesting" I mean something very much the opposite of that word. This is the only Marvel Cinematic Universe (we're talking MCU, yeah you know me) movie I have seen + reviewed and honestly might ever see 1, and so that comes with a bit of loaded context insomuch as it serves as a declaration for my drawing some kind of 'line in the sand' wherein there's all the MCU movies and their STANS on one side and then on the other side there's me and maybe like seven other people on earth who actively choose not to participate in this world not just because the culture of it seems bad and highly stupid but because the movies themselves seem (read: are) bad and highly stupid. Back when Black Panther was on Netflix, I put it on for all of ten minutes maybe before turning it off because I was so insanely bored AND put off by the look of it (now, granted I didn't even get to any of the scenes in Wakanda or wherever and I don't even like that I know the name of that place; like how does this information infect all of us, even those who want no part of it??). |
People always tell me to check out this title or that title and that they're 'not like the others' and I guess you'd put the Guardians flicks in that box. It seems like James Gunn knows what he's doing, and my not having given this a terrible score at the time could and should be taken as an indication that I mostly 'liked' the movie.
But know this, dear reader: I did not. I like nothing about the MCU and weird media tentacles that seem to reach into my brain while I'm not paying attention. I think Scorsese is pretty overrated but hot holy goddam was he right about this one.
1. I saw Iron Man 1 in the theaters but this doesn't count because it was impossible to know what was coming down the pike. [BACK]
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